Santa’s crew from WEiI!

Karol Karpinski from the first year of studies on Electronics and Telecommunications and Bartlomiej Klak, Grzegorz Janocha, Michal Łatak, Katarzyna Krzanowska, Przemyslaw Zbyrad, Szymon Cyran, Aleksandra Barszcz, Maciej Moskal, Marcin Malec, Weronika Bigas, Patryk Całka from the fourth year of studies on Power Engineering joined Santa Claus’ Crew as part of the second edition of the action “Pick up a letter and become Santa Claus for foster families”.

The campaign is organized by the Podkarpackie Foster Parenthood Association. The students prepared wonderful packages with gifts dreamed of by the children, including a mechanical keyboard, a mouse with a mouse pad and gaming headphones.

You can read more about the action here